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Listing Details:
Mk 318 Mod 1 OTM 5.56 Ammunition  

10rd quantities on stripper clip*

Manufacturer: Federal
Bullet Type: 62 grain open tip boat tail bullet
Grain: 62

Velocity: 2,700 fps with 11.5" barrel, 2,900 fps with 16" barrel
Casing: Brass
Primer: Boxer

Features: Federal Lake City 5.56mm 62 grain 62gr OTM MK318 Mod 0 ammunition was designed for the USMC as an alternative to the M855 green tip. Using an open-tip match round design common with select precision ammunition, SOST rounds are “barrier blind,” meaning they deflect less than existing M855 rounds after penetrating windshields, car doors and other a-like objects.

Best for: Short barrel rifles


"The Silver Bullet"

Sales Tax Included
    1. Ammunition is sold as "Like New" meaning Crystal Lake Munition is not the manufacturer and is excluded from any liability from the usage or handling of this ammunition.  
    2. Ammunition is inspected before shipping for quality purposes. Crystal Lake Munitions does not tamper, alter, or change any of the ammunition that we sell. 
    3. Some of the ammunition that we sell (military/experimental) come from unknown orgins. In these cases, the buyer assumes full responsibility when purchaseing this ammunition and understands that Crystal Lake Munitions has no way of verifying the function aspect and internal compounds of said products.
    4. How you chose to use these products is up to you, the consumer. We do not support or condone any illegal or dangerous use of said products and instead, promote safe handling of ammunition. 


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